DAY-3 AWS-ec2 deep dive

EC2- Elastic cloud compute

  • Elastic compute cloud ->requesting AWS to provide a virtual server

  • Elastic means scaled up or scaled down, when we can increase or decrease or use these resources anywhere- More ex EKS, Elastic beanstalk

  • why should use an EC2 instance? -> Instead of manually doing this AWS will take care, Maintenance is reduced and the cost is reduced as pay as you use the service.

  • Multiple types of EC2 instance

  • Depending upon the application need to choose what type of EC2 instance.

  1. -> General Purpose

  2. -> Compute Optimized

  3. Memory Optimized -> high memory in terms of power- when needing to use real-time big data/ gaming application/machine learning models.

  4. ->Storage Optimized

-> Accelerated

Regions and Availability Zones

Latency - request that takes time to reach the server from and to