what is java?
what is springboot?
Annotations in java
OOPS concept
What is Multithreading?
Spring Boot concepts
• All annotations used in Spring Boot applications and purpose of each
• Different scopes of a Bean
• Core Java 8 features(Functional interface, streams, Method reference, date/time, etc…)
• @SpringBootApplication, @RestController & @Controller diff, CRUD operations - Http Methods used. Http Headers/Http Status code, @Configuration, @CrossOrigin, @ControllerAdvice, Spring Core(@Bean, @Component, @ComponentScan, Scope), JPARepository/CrudRepository diff, @Query, MongoTemplate, MongoRepository, etc... @Valid for validations, CommandLineRunner
• Actuator, spring security,
• What is ResponseEntity
• Advantages of Microservice architecture
• Purpose of Zuul/Spring Cloud Gateway, Eureka Service Registry/Discovery related annotations, configurations
• Does Microservices interact with each other, RestTemplate, ResponseEntity
• List few Spring Boot Starters